The August 1915 Offensive Part 1

The Exotic Bet

General Sir Ian Hamilton - Commander in Chief at the Dardanelles.

By August 1915, the Gallipoli Campaign had ground to a halt. Thousands of Allied troops had advanced not much further than they had on the first day of the Landing back in April. Something needed to happen to get this thing rolling again and bringing it to a successful conclusion. The British Commander of the expedition, General Sir Ian Hamilton was presented a modest plan from the Anzac Commander General William Birdwood, for an attack out of the Anzac position. Hamilton had been offered seven more Divisions to reinforce his beleaguered campaign, and in Birdwood's plan he saw the nucleus of a plan that would blow the campaign wide open. The August Offensive would be his last throw of the dice.

The August 1915 Offensive Part 2


Battle of Finschhafen Part 3