The Fall of Rabaul Part 1

The Fight for New Britain

D Company, 2/22nd Infantry Battalion, part of Lark Force prior to their embarkation for New Britain.

The war in Europe seemed a long way off for the inhabitants of New Britain and there was no real urgency from the Australian Chiefs of Staff to secure this vital island. A token force was sent to Rabaul to observe any movement and to report back to Army HQ. But in December 1941, Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbor and began their conquest of the Pacific. Rabaul was now under threat, but you wouldn't know it. The Defence Chiefs decided not to reinforce Lark Force, or even provide them with adequate resources to defend the port town. Lark Force commander, Colonel Scanlan, had not even made plans for a withdrawal should the Japanese force arrive anytime soon. And arrive they did, and a spirited yet doomed attempt to defend New Britain was undertaken.

Links to the Office of Australian War Graves


The Fall of Rabaul Part 2


The August 1915 Offensive Part 3